Here's what's going on at Park Hill!
Perry TWP
Food Bank Needs
​Monetary Donations can be mailed with checks payable to:
Perry Township Community Food Bank 3314 Lime Plant Rd., Parker, PA 16049
*Food distribution is the third Tuesday of each month.
Our Operation Christmas Child Crew has a goal this year - 100 Shoeboxes!
Each month we've been given a list of supplies needed to fill a shoebox. Please consider helping, every little bit counts.
September- Clothing: Flip Flops/Shoes, Hats, Sunglasses, Hair Accessories, Hats & Gloves, School Supplies
October- Wow Items: Dolls, Ball & Pump, Stuffed Animal, Musical Instruments
November- $ Donations & Fill Boxes
August is a good month to find 'Back to School' sales!! There's still time. Grab them up and bring them in!
Let's get involved!!
Sept 15-18
7 pm
Rev. Nick Wilson
Join us as we consider John’s visions from Patmos, their application to the church, and the hope they provide for the Christian life. Revelation is not the fearful book portrayed by modern media and the popular theology of our day. It reminds us of the power and authority of Jesus Christ no matter what we find in the headlines of our current events.
What do we Know for Sure: We will consider ten different issues in Revelation that are self-explanatory. As difficult as the symbolic language can be, there are some things we can understand. These things provide us a framework for everything else we read throughout the book.
Revelation and the Church: The message of Revelation to the church is more than what we find in chapters two and three. It provides the last word on a number of different issues, and that includes leaders within the church. We will consider the message of Revelation in regards to pastors and elders in the church today.
The Reign of Jesus Christ: One of the most disputed aspects of Revelation is the Kingdom of God. We will consider the teaching of Jesus on the presence, authority, and meaning of the Kingdom as it relates to what we find in Revelation.
The Power of a Lamb: The study of Revelation shows us visions of fearful beasts and terrifying events. However, the greatest power we find is not those beasts, but a Lamb that was slain. That remains true. We will look at the central place of the Lamb to Revelation.
God's Vision of the Church: What does the church look like from God’s perspective? More importantly, what should the church look like from God’s perspective? We will consider Revelation’s final words about the church.
The Story Sermon Series
Over the next 31 weeks we will begin a sermon series that will take us from Genesis to Revelation. The scripture text used in The Story is taken from the New International Version (NIV). May our attention be captured, may we choose to foster spiritual growth, may we engage in conversations and let it create a lasting impact on our lives. The Story you will read isn’t any ordinary story. This story has the power to change who you are, what you think and how you view life. You will be exposing yourself to deep transforming truth!
Purchase books online ‘used’ or ‘new’ at or
September 22: The Beginning of the End (of the Kingdom of Israel)
*It is not necessary to purchase the book; you can read from your bible. If you decide to do this, you can find the bible readings in the bulletin each week and we will send out an email at the beginning of each week so that you can read ahead. You will want to consider reading this week
2 Kings 1-2, 2 Kings 18 & 20, Isaiah 14:1-5, Isaiah 49 & 53 Even when things seem hopeless, prayer still makes a difference. Give it a try!
Serving Together,
Pastor Amy
We are all about God and Family here at Park Hill First Church of God. You will always have a spiritual home here. We pour love on people of all ages. We have an awesome youth group, a blanket ministry, and so much more. We have a nursery for young families, and Jr. Church for kiddos age 3 up to 3rd grade. There is something for everyone. God is our focus, and teaching about God's love is our pleasure.
We offer a broad range of services for people of all ages. We have our Sunday Service at 10:45am.
Sunday School class starts at 9:45am for ages 3-99 if you're interested.
The Youth Group meets Sunday nights from 6pm-8pm.
Wednesday Family Night starts at 6:00pm, we serve dinner and following that are Bible classes for everyone. We would love to have you with us.